August Employee Pet of the Month

My Fellow All-Animalians,
‘Tis the bestest time of month: Employee Pet of the Month time! And this month, we celebrate Mr. Sully Zorn!
Now, some may protest this appointment as we are distantly related, but I believe this was a well-earned title! Sully is one of the biggest, bestest guys I know. Sully likes to pretend like he a tough guy, but really he is very gentle and sweet.
Miss Stephanie says that Sully likes to chase chickens and play with the grandbabies in his house. He is so silly, he loves to play all day long at school with his sister Bella. He watches her all day and lets his Mama know when she is about to have a seizure so she can help Bella. He is the best of guard dogs, to watch his kids and his sister.
For all those reasons, and probably a gajillion more, we celebrate Sully Zorn for his win of Employee Pet of the Month!