May Employee Pet of the Month

My Fellow All Animalsians,
It is the most-est wonderful time of the month when we get to talk about the best-est pet in the office. And this month, guess who that pet is!!!
No, amazingly, it is still not me. I am also shocked.
But it is Parker! And Parker is pretty stinking great (emphasis on the stinking, if you ask me).
Parker is a 1-year-old Great Pyrenees/moose mix. My mom says that is not true, but I say she cannot prove it and he is huge! Parker loves to play with his older pup-sister, Prue, and is an excellent guard-dog, having instituted a local (and vocal) neighborhood watch and a no-fly zone over his house which applies to all manner of things from birds to planes. It is unclear if Superman is an exception to this rule.
All in all, Parker is a very talented young dog. We see a bright future ahead for him! Wait, that’s a tennis ball… I have to go!